Winter Holidays 2019
The first week of the school holidays has flown by so quickly. It’s been quite a cold week, but we have been a little busy.
Our youngest (8) wanted to try his hand at martial arts, so we found a spot for him at the Matt Fiddes class in Caloundra. He has just done a trial class so far, and has another one to go, but right now, he is smitten with the idea that he could possibly be the next ‘The Karate Kid’. Hubby watched the first movie with him last week, and he thoroughly enjoyed the antics of Mr Miyagi teaching the young Daniel Larusso the art of karate via cleaning his cars, painting fences and painting his house. Remember, ‘Wax on, wax off’?
I was thinking this is a great opportunity for our young man to learn some household skills to get his hand movements just right to help him along with his goal of world domination via his role as the next Karate kid! Jaden doesn’t think this is a good idea at all! The cheeky boy told me that he’s seen the movie and he knows all my ‘parenting’ tricks! Ha!
My kids make me laugh all the time! Just this week, our youngest daughter told me that she didn’t have a problem with hoarding….yet when I helped her clean up and declutter her room yesterday, the amount of rubbish that came out of her drawers literally filled the recycling bin. I gently reminded her that she had told me that she had no problem with hoarding, which made us both laugh. If only I was given a dollar for every time she told me she didn’t hoard rubbish…I think I would have enough money to buy new furniture for our house, at least!
Hopefully next week isn’t wet! I don’t mind the occasional wet day, but we want to catch up with friends and get things done around the house before the new school term starts again, and this wet weather doesn’t help in any way with regard to getting out and having fun with friends, nor does it help with trying to get things around the house done because no one wants to sort out the garage or their rooms when movies and popcorn seem like a better idea. Although I am happy to suffer through the rain if the farmers get some of this rain. Hopefully a few farmers dams can be filled with some of the water coming from the sky.
Till next time, happy holidays!