Wheat Belly Quick Recap
In my last blog post I told you all about a book called ‘Wheat Belly’, a book about getting rid of wheat in our diets. I am not going retell you the story of wheat belly, or what i have been learning about. I will say though that if you would like to read about the idea behind Wheat Belly, please head over to http://wp.me/p3CidK-3eZ
One of my wonderful readers informed me about a facebook page called Cut the crap which is now one of my favourite go-to resource. Facebook also has a Wheat Belly page, which I find incredibly inspiring. I have also learned over the last couple of weeks that Dr Oz endorses the Wheat Belly diet. If you are interested in more information about wheat belly, you can go to Wheat Belly Recipe Central, and Wheat Belly Cookbook. Cardiac Doctor and Author William Davis has a Wheat Belly page called Wheat Belly by William Davis . There are obviously many sites out there promoting health and well being and when you are on a journey to health and over all well being – you seem to find exactly what your looking for along the way. Whats that saying? Oh yes, ‘when you seek, you shall find’, and let me tell you that when you ask the right questions, the answers will be brought to your attention in one way or another….and don’t forget to ask google.
For those who are a little bored hearing all about how awesome and beneficial the wheat free lifestyle is, I promise I won’t write another wheat free post for a while at least. The only thing I will say to end this post is that I have a plan in mind to add some wheat free recipes to my blog. I hope to have this up and happening very soon.