Walking Through Open Doors
Our eldest daughter started her first full time job Just over a month ago, and it is very exciting, for her as well as us!! I won’t lie, there has been a lot of celebrating going on!
I love seeing my kids being rewarded for their hard work. We all know it feels great to achieve. Ames worked incredibly hard for this job, and I am a very very proud Mumma bear! I believe her boss is going to be a very happy camper for having hired her. I know I am a very biased mum, and I am not sorry about that. I consider myself Chief Captain of our kids cheer squad! ’Family life’ is their launching pad, and I want to be there to see them off as they take their big jump into their dreams.
As a mum, it is very surreal to be in the position where two out of our four children are now out in the world working. Sure, there are many benefits for kids to have dreams and jobs, but change can be a little challenging for everyone till we get used to the new routine. It’s not easy growing up, but it’s also not easy letting go. It always takes me time to get used to change, even when it is change we want. We have to remember that opportunities and experiences are a right of passage for our kids. They need to leave school, get driving licenses, do tertiary education, get jobs, and go out into the world to live their lives well. We earnestly pray that the lessons they learn, and the disciplines we encourage at home are not forgotten, but help shape our kids into becoming the best adults they can be. Now that I find myself here with our mini adults and our ten year old, I sometimes wish we could turn back time, but sadly that is impossible. Reality insists on us being present in the now and enjoying where we are at now, despite the chaos of the season.
Gretchen Rubin The days are long but the years are short. Adult hood comes far too quickly and the lessons are not lost on me – time moves far too quickly.
I love Alexander Graham Bell’s quote,
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us”.
There will always be new doors and new adventures for us all. Life moves us forward whether we are ready or not, and since we never really know what each open door holds, we still have to jump through whether we are ready or not. We are meant to keep looking in the forward direction. Change isn’t always comfortable, but we do get used to the change eventually.
There will always be new doors and new adventures for us all. Life moves us forward whether we are ready or not, and since we never really know what each open door holds, we still have to jump through whether we are ready or not. We are meant to keep looking in the forward direction. Change isn’t always comfortable, but we do get used to the change eventually.
Speaking of change.
A couple of months ago we decided to have a look at some local schools for our youngest, for next year. I have been feeling our time as a homeschooling family is coming to an end after 7 years, and so we decided to go on some school tours to check out our options, and get comfortable with the next season of our school life. It didn’t take long for our little man to get very excited to go to school. I was surprised in some ways, but as much as I want to hold my baby close, the reality is that he is no longer a baby. JJ’s a young man who needs to learn and experience things I simply can’t teach him at home – science and robots! JJ needs the freedom to explore and become the young man he is supposed to become, and school life will help him with this. It takes a village to raise a child, and I personally like the village we are in, and are about to be apart of. I am still going to be the mum who wonders if I have made the right decisions etc, but I know that the hardest step in any new journey is the very first step. Or in this case, the first day, the first week and the first term! New and different can be somewhat nerve racking until we get used to until we get used to the new way of doing life.
All we want for our kids is happiness, purpose, and courage to follow their dreams. I am again and again reminded of our need to embrace change, and remember that everything is just for a season. JJ heading to school is a big deal in so many ways, but I don’t want to be a mum who holds him back. The positives of school life outweigh the negative little issues. Hopefully we slide into the new regime quickly and easily.
Nell is getting her head around year 10 math. She is not enjoying pythagoras theorems at this moment, but our distance ed school has just started doing online math classes!!! Thank God!!!! This takes a lot of pressure off me trying to get my head around year 10 math. I never enjoyed math at school, so being able to contact a teacher regularly for help is AMAZING!!! Outside of english and science, she is doing a cert II at Tafe (Tafe at school) which she is now enjoying. In Nell’s spare time she sews, and spends a lot of time creating in one way or another. We haven’t made any firm plans for next year yet, but it is exciting to see her develop.
Beps is busy in her apprenticeship, but still thoroughly enjoying it! She will be heading into her third year come January so we are excited about that! It is fun to have things to look forward too.
Chat soon,