The plan for 2024!
January is a great time of the year to start thinking about 2024, and what I/we would like to achieve this coming year? What relationships do I/we want to strengthen? What habits do we want to let go of? What skills would I like to learn? What areas of our lives would we like to improve, and what things would we like to stop doing in our lives?
What I love about this time of year is anything and everything feels and seems possible. January is the month of new beginnings. It’s a good time to look forward and plan for all the amazing possibilities that a new year can bring. The world is our oyster right now, just as it is yours!
Having a list of goals is good, but goals really don’t mean a thing if we don’t break them down into accomplishable and realistic steps and put events we want to do into our calendar. There’s more chance of plans happening when you write them down, but we also have to break each goal down into achievable steps.
So here we go, 2024…after listening to Gretchen Rubin’s Happier podcast over the last so many years, we are now up to 24 goals for 2024! I feel as though 2024 is going to be a great year, and I hope that by the end of the year we can actually look at all the goals we have achieved, and see how our lives have improved.
- Take down the Christmas tree
- Start every morning reading the bible
- Write Daily – 24 minutes a day
- Blog weekly
- Walk daily
- Swim in the ocean multiple times a week
- Organise family fun for our family and extended family.
- I want to focus this year on healthy living
- Totally declutter my home
- Organise BBQ’s at home with family and friends.
- Get the pool fixed
- Invite the kids friends over for movie nights/hangouts
- BBQ’s at the beach monthly
- Read everyday
- Organise coffee dates with friends
- Schedule spontaneous fun with the kids – monthly
- organise date night weekly
- Write a one sentence journal daily
- Sarah and Dion would love new car!
- Work on my cooking skills
- Plan and take family holidays/weekends away
- Help Chanel get her P plates
- Make time for hobbies
- Start an online/at home business
As I look through my list, I feel that I can honestly say that I have addressed the different aspects of my Mischieviousmum by-line – Faith, Family, Friends, Fun, Finances and Fitness! I feel that 2024 is going to be a great year. I don’t want the year to rush by, but I hope that come December we can look back on the year and be proud of what we have achieved, and where we have come from.
Till next time,