Taking Stock – September 2020
I’m not sure about you, but I’m a bit stunned – it’s the end of September already! I love the month of September, mostly because it’s the start of Spring. Hope is in the air, and it kind of feels like a new day. Winter has gone away and there is a freshness in the air. The sky’s are blue and the sun is shining! Spring is my favourite time of the year!
Making: A home that I enjoy living in. And so, I have been working on this by sorting out of our house hold. I have been pulling things out of cupboards – asking myself the famous ‘Does this spark joy?’ question, and when I answer no, I have been literally chucking it in the boot of the car to either donate, or dump. I have another area things to sell. I have to say that I am enjoying the process. It’s been very therapeutic. I am on a mission to simplify my life in every area.
Cooking: In my goal to keep my life simple over the school holidays in particular we have had home made pizza’s, spaghetti Bol, Roast Chicken and Veggies, Roast Chicken and salad, burgers, Chicken Tikka Masala, Mexican Chicken burrito bowl, couple of nights we had toasted sandwiches. The goal was keep it simple this month.
Sipping: Soda water with a small wedge of lemon.
Reading: It’s been a bit of a sad month with regard to reading. I love to read, but for most of the month haven’t been bothered. This week though I did pick up a book called ‘Get your life back’ by John Eldridge. Eldridge talks about the concept of mental load and how important it is for our health and wellbeing to consciously do things that will improve our mental load.
* Mental load is all the mental work, the organising, list-making and planning, that you do to manage all the different parts of your life, and those that are dependent on you. Most of us carry some form of mental load, about our work, parenting, household responsibilities, financial obligations and personal life.
Looking: For ways to make life simpler, funner and happier.
Listening: The ‘Dream Big Podcast’ (Bob Goff), The Christy Wright Show (Christy Wright), The Hope we Hold (Ginger and Jeremy Voulo), Marie Forleo.
Wishing: Probably an extra day light hour everyday.
Enjoying: Any opportunity to be at home to potter around.
Appreciating: My hubby! My family and my kids!
Eating: Healthy smoothies!
Liking: I can’t say this enough. I like and love School holidays
Loving: School Holidays! Not just to get things around the house done that I never get a chance to do through out the term, but I don’t have to drive to Nambour everyday, and I’m loving being able to be at home, and also seeing friends.
Buying: About to spend a small fortune on Driving lessons! Yay!
Managing: Life!
Watching: Hubby and I just found out that ‘Seal Team’ is back on channel 10.
Wearing: Clothes!
Following: The Minimal Mom youtube channel is my go to channel at the moment. I like that they share their lives and their journey to minimalism and I always feel encouraged. Especially when Dawn has her twin sister on the episode with her.
Noticing: Christmas is fast approaching. I have not bought one thing for Christmas for anyone. It’s probably a good idea to start thinking more seriously about this. I have some ideas, so that is a good start at this time, but I do need to start actioning these ideas.
Sorting: September has been the month of kitchen, bathroom cupboards and also the linen cupboard.
Getting: Our homeschooling shelves reorganised. Maybe this area gets disorganised quickly and easily because it is an area that is used quite a lot and the kids don’t tend to put things back where they go.
Bookmarking: Homeschooling information, recipes, home organisation, minimalism, aromatherapy information, hypothyroidism.
Feeling: Loving this time of the year!
Lowlight: A difficult dental experience.
Highlight: We had a weekend on the Gold Coast. Our school organised a day at SeaWorld for a fraction of the usual cost, so we had a weekend down on the Gold Coast. It went far too quickly, but it was a much needed time out for us as a family.
Grateful: I feel grateful for my faith, my family and my friends.
It’s almost time to get ready for the last term of the year. My calendar is getting a little chaotic with end of year events, birthdays, TAFE show cases, graduations, school related workshops, and not to mention an array of dates, family events to look forward too, among other things. I do feel as though a few rabbits may need pulling out of hats to make everything come together and work. Even though the world feels like its spinning a little too fast at this moment, we all know that everything will come together in the end, and all the different aspects of all the different events will come together and everyone will be happy.
Chat soon,