Taking Stock – October 2020
Not sure what to think with it being the end of October! This year has been quite the year in so many ways – Good, Bad and a little bit Ugly!
We returned to school and TAFE life after the September school holidays, and celebrated a few of family birthdays this month. It was good to catch up with some family after months of lockdown.
We literally hit the ground running from the very first day of term 4. So much has happened this month, and I am officially ready for the end of year holidays, but we still have a lot of work to finish before the end of year, so finishing up isn’t on the cards just yet.
Anyway, here’s Taking Stock – October 2020.
Making: Pottery! This month a group of friends and I caught up and went to a pottery class. It’s been something I have had on my personal bucket list for a very long time, and let me tell you, the class did not disappoint. It was so relaxing and therapeutic! We can’t wait to go back again in a couple of weeks to ‘glaze’ our pieces of art! This might be the start of what I like to call a hobby! Busy mums don’t usually make time for hobbies so this is a new experience for us all.
If my pottery project works out well, I’ll share a photo at the end of November. If it didn’t, I promise we won’t speak of this again! 🙂
Cooking: October has been a busy month so I haven’t been very adventurous in the kitchen. Lots of the old faithful meals again this month. My focus was to also focus on recipes that I could make a big batch of and freeze. I was given the Joanna Gaines Magnolia cookbook for my birthday, so I am looking forward to incorporating some of her recipes into my collection of new go to recipes.
Sipping: Soda water with a small wedge of lemon.
Reading: This month I have been looking at a book called ‘Fair Play’ by Eve Rodsky, and I am trying to finish Bob Goff’s book called ‘Everybody Always’. I always have books on the go.
Waiting: I spend my life waiting for kids in all sorts of scenarios and situations.
Looking: Forward to school holidays.
Listening: Podcasts called ‘The Hope We Hold’ (Jeremy and Ginger Vuolo), ‘Dream Big Podcast’ (Bob Goff), Awaken Church, Happier with Gretchen Rubin.
Wishing: Still wishing for $1 million dollars, personal time, and world peace!
Enjoying: Pottering around at home. Spending time at the beach – the beach is my happy place!
Appreciating: Time with my extended family.
Eating: Strawberries. Avocado on toast (thins).
Liking: My kids! They are really good humans.
Loving: I have found a youtube channel I am enjoying called ‘The Minimal Mom’. She and her twin sister talk a lot about home making from minimalistic point of view. Another channel my younger two like to watch is ‘The Bucketlist Family’.
Buying: Birthday presents, decorations, and groceries. I have started Christmas shopping but I’m not yet enthused about Christmas yet…I just want the holidays at the moment!
Managing: The chaos of family life, and all that household drama.
Watching: We are loving a show on 9Now called ‘For Life’. We are four episodes into the series, but so far its been good.
Wearing: Clothes!
Following: I have watched some of the USA Presidential debates.
Sorting: Out the top of our walk-in-robe. I’m being brutal with stuff we no longer need, want, or use.
Getting: Excited for the end of year holidays.
Bookmarking: Recipes, homeschooling information, Christmas present ideas, etc
Feeling: Hopeful. Also really happy that mums eye surgery went well and she is on the other side of that one.
Lowlight: Family chaos.
Highlight: We are in Spring. The days are longer, its easier to take our daughter to work in the unGodly hours. There have been Kangaroos in our street in the unGodly hours. Ames turned 18!
Grateful: Family, friends and pottery classes.
The coming month will be huge. November is the last school month of the year, we have reporting, homeschooling projects, workshops, end of Tafe, Ames’ Tafe showcase, amongst other things. Sadly there won’t be an awards ceremony this year for the end of the Tafe year, but it is exciting to see what is next for Ames.
Chat soon,