Taking Stock – April 2020
Hello! Here we are at the end of the fourth month of the year. April!
Time moves far too quickly for my liking. Strangely, for me, this last month has been a whirl wind. We are still isolated at home, but we are doing fine. My favourite word at the moment is Resilience, and I am trusting God to help us all get through the pandemic safely and securely, oh and fast.
Making: Too be honest, April wasn’t a making ‘month’ for me. Outside of the ‘making’ of meals, obviously! My kids have been creative though! Our eldest has been working on her tafe assessments, Beps is doing a cross stitch and a paint by numbers around her apprenticeship assignments, Nel always has a lot of projects going on – lego creations with Jj and making jewellery , and J has been making LEGO master pieces.
Cooking: This month is a new month of different meals. Beef stroganoff, Meatloaf with roast vegetables, home made chips and chicken nuggets, Chicken Tika Misala, Roasted rounds of sweet potato with avocado (lunch), Spaghetti Bolognese, Pasta tomato base with chicken, shredded chicken burrito bowl (best ever recipe), Pumpkin soup, Rssoles with roasted vegetables, Chilli con carne, and something else, but I can’t remember what it was. I don’t want to nag you, but seriously, you have to get yourself a multi-cooker (pressure cooker, slow cooker in one) – it’ll change your life. Considering I do 99.99999% of the cooking in this household, my pressure cooker has literally changed the way I cook.
Sipping: Always soda water and lemon.
Reading: At the moment the kids and I are reading a book called ‘The Prince Warrior’ by Priscilla Shirer. Also, Nel and I are reading ‘Facing the Giants’ by Bill Winston (For School). I am reading a book by Dr Libby Weaver called ‘Rushing Woman’s Syndrome’, which in my opinion should be read by every woman.
I have also started reading a book called ‘Everyday Resilience’ by Michelle Mitchell. Even in the few short pages I have read so far, I am thinking it is definitely a parenting book worth owning by all parents – babies and toddlers do turn into teenagers quite quickly.
Looking: Well, I am looking for a pair of earrings that I’ve misplaced. I have put them in a safe place. Only trouble is – I can’t remember where that safe place is.
Listening: All the usual podcasts – Lauren Daigle, ‘Happier with Gretchen Rubin’, ‘Blissdom’, ‘Alli Worthington’, and also Dr Eric Berg (health related).
Wishing/Praying: For the end of Covid-19.
Enjoying: One of the amazing things about isolation is that we get to spend time at home. I have been enjoying watching videos by ‘the six sisters stuff’ cooking videos.
Usually I don’t have a lot of time to find new recipes and learn new skills, but I have been enjoying ’the Six Sisters Stuff’ video, particularly relating to the pressure cooking (Instant pot) recipes.
We got our garage door fixed. Our chlorinator for our pool died, and so we were able to finally get that sorted out, and we got our car serviced.
We decided to do something different last weekend and set up our tv outside to watch a movie with the kids. We watched ‘Cheaper by the Dozen II’, and Narnia ‘Prince Caspian’. We ate Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner (outside), and we had our fire pit sparkling.
I miss going to our church building, but I am loving church online.
NO PRESSURE – BUT If you are interested, you too can go to church in your pj’s if you log on at 9am www.calvarycc.global. You can also connect with Calvary via their facebook page.
Eating: I’ve given up snacking, unless its fruit or popcorn, although Easter chocolate did come into the household over the Easter break, and we celebrated Beps 16th birthday at the start of the month with a piece of cake. The good thing is that I didn’t go nuts with the eating of the chocolate, but I did have some.
Liking: This month we made a plan to see a few sunrises, and a few walks on the beach whenever possible.
Loving: SGN. Some Good News, a youtube channel created by actor John Krasinski to celebrate the good things that are happening at this time with regard to Covid-19. There are 4 episodes now up, but my favourite at this time is the second episode where he was speaking to a young girl who had her Hamilton tickets cancelled due to the Covid 19 outbreak. Instead, the cast members sang to her via zoom. It was an amazing performance.
Things around the world might be tough right now with all that is happening with Covid-19, but there are people in this world who are trying to bring joy to people who are isolated at home. I love what John Krasinski is doing with SGN.
Buying: Beps birthday present.
Watching: If I am not watching the Six Sisters Stuff youtube channel, I am also watching concerts of Artists I like on youtube. I have done a lot of sorting out paper work and cleaning listening to to youtube bands. I have been surprised by how many there are. My favourites are ‘For King and Country’, Lauren Daigle (we were at the Brisbane concert with our girls in January), Casting Crowns, Rend Collective, Delirious, Newsboys, and Skillet. Who needs television when you have youtube. 🙂
Hoping: To achieve my 20 for 2020 goal list despite Covid-19 virus.
Needing: Over the holidays I have been spending time as a passenger in the car with my daughter. Next time you see me I’ll have gained some hair sparkles. Don’t tell her I said that!
Wearing: Clothes. 🙂
Following: The Six Sisters Stuff youtube channel. They specialise in a lot of cooking for busy mums. I am trying to get better acquainted with my pressure cooker, and the six sisters have a lot of nutritious recipes that they call dump and run. They speak my language. All I want to do is dump all the ingredients in a pot and walk away till the timer goes off, then serve dinner for everyone. 🙂
Then I found Joanna Gaines cooking show on Youtube (Magnolia). I became a Joanna Gaines fan when she and hubby started their show ‘Fixer Upper’. Now you can find their recipes on their youtube channel. I am a huge Joanna Gaines fan and will eventually get around to buying her cook books, but I love how she does life, and her ease to just record her normal everyday life and cooking. If the borders ever open up again, and we travel overseas, we seriously want to go to Waco Texas to visit their marketplace at the silos.
Noticing: There is toilet paper on the shelves at the supermarket!!! For a while there I was getting a little worried.
Sorting: I’m sorting out my clothing, papers, the garage, general clutter.
Getting: A little excited because as I write this I heard that some of our restrictions are going to be loosened as of next weekend.
Saving: For a Family holiday.
Bookmarking: Pressure cooking recipes, rules for board games, Six Sisters stuff recipes.
Feeling: Happy! I long to see my friends, family, and go to church, among a few other things, but I am determined to fulfil some of those things that I just don’t get too when I am doing my Normal mum role. A lot of people are whinging about being cooped up at home, but if we have to go through this time at home I am trying to make this time count.
Hearing: Our second daughter recently bought herself a record player and has been enjoying listening to her records in the bedroom. We have a lot of different music playing throughout the house, but our girl love ABBA, The Jonas brothers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Lauren Daigle, Justin Bieber, some classical music, and some Disney tunes. When the virus has gone and our freedoms has been restored Beps is looking forward to checking out Nannies collection of records. I am looking forward to seeing what is in the box.
Highlight: At the beginning of the month I travelled down to Brisbane to spend time with my Aunt. It was a lovely day. I want to go and hang out with her more often. She is so very important to me. Can’t wait till we do it again.
Also, creating special times with my family at home. Covid-19 restrictions hasn’t beaten us. We have learned a lot about ourselves, each other, and what we want our lives to look like long term.
Lowlight: The restrictions have stopped us from living normally, and so not catching up with our people has been the downside. I miss my people.
Grateful: For the simple things in life. I love having time with my family. And, I love that we live in a time of history where we have the ability to be in contact with friends all over the world even though we are all in lockdown.
So here we are at the end of the Month. This week we Head into May 2020. This year is moving very fast, and the only thing I can say to you all is that despite the circumstances, we are well. We are okay. We are rich in spirit. We are embracing this time to rest, to reconnect with our kids, and to each other. These restrictions were not planned, but for whatever reason we find ourselves here in this place, our lives as we know it have been all shook up and the dust is settling. The Corona Virus will not break us. We will learn the lessons and we will be better humans on the other side of this whole Corona experience. We will never forget it, but I personally want to be better for it.
Hope you are doing well?
Chat Soon.