Find Out What your Body Type is
Recently, I reached the point where I could no longer contain the frustration I have been feeling toward my lack of results. As you know, I have been on a health journey – trying to lose weight, so that I can qualify for an operation I need to have to fix my tummy. Becoming a mother, the lack of a thyroid gland, and the busyness of life have not been kind to me. Unfortunately, the results are not favourable considering the months I have been working on it. Now, I must admit, it would be very easy to give up. However, that would mean I would be admitting…
Thyroids – who needs them!?
What do you have (or most of you have) that I don’t have? If you guessed a thyroid – you would be correct! I was born without one. A little fact for you, is that I was the first baby found in Queensland to be tested and found to be without thyroid as a baby. I am so famous that my name can actually be found in the medical books to prove this if your wondering! Thanks to me, all babies are now tested for thyroid issues after birth – this test is done in correlation to the heel prick test. This little organ, the majority of…