• Family,  Health

    That Sugar Film – a Kid Friendly Doco-movie

    This week our family went to see, ‘That Sugar Film‘, and I have to tell you that it’s a doco-movie you must see. In fact, it’s a doco-movie you must see with your kids – and your partner!  Its absolutely 100% family friendly. Its informative and it will help curb your children’s sugar addictions! We decided to take the kids to see ‘That Sugar Film‘, because one of the previews for the movie introduced viewers to 17 year old Larry, the boy who’s teeth were rotten from drinking Mountain Dew.  We don’t drink Mountain dew in our house, but I wanted the kids to associate soft drinks with Larry’s teeth.   Soft drinks are so…

  • family friendly,  Health,  Things I like,  Weightloss

    The Quest has begun

    The quest for ultimate health has started…you should see some of the things I am googling and looking up on Pinterest!  There is so much information out on the internet that you can change your life and turn it upside down all by yourself these days if you have any will power at all?  The other part of this is that there is no excuse for us to not know how to find information.  How is your will power levels going? Well for me personally I wanted to start the process of looking at the types of foods I have been accustomed to eating because I am sure there are…