• 2018,  homeschooling

    School Life is Back 2018

    The first school term of the year is well and truly underway! Only seven weeks and two days till the next set of holidays.  Not that I am counting – (I so am!!) This year our third child, our Daughter Nelly, started high school.  This is a big deal.  We have three daughters in high school now! I personally don’t like that year 7 is now considered high school.  Nelly doesn’t turn 12 till the end of May, she still loves playing Barbie and with her LOL Surprise Dolls.     She is still a little girl at heart, and I don’t want her to feel as though she has…

  • Family,  getting organised,  homelife,  homeschooling,  motherhood in the naughties

    Did you bring your game?

    I’m not sure when it started, but at some point in the last six weeks,  I started asking our girls each day if they are bringing their game to the table today! I mentioned it to my friend recently when she asked me how I get my kids motivated for school each day.    All I know is that whenever I ask this question, the kids work well, and when I don’t ask the question – we seem to have an average work day.    We’ve started calling it the ‘golden question’, because we really do feel that we have a good work day when I ask them if they are bringing their…

  • Family,  school

    The Universe Says NO!

    The sun….the same sun that usually lights up the Sunshine Coast, is missing in action.   Its dreary, rainy and quite miserable outside.   Not sure who names a cyclone, Oswald, but this Oswald character has and is causing havoc on the Queensland Coastline. Chanel is six and does not like school.  She would much prefer to be home playing or going on ‘excursions’ as she puts it.  I am unsure as to where she heard the terminology, but her fabulous comment this weekend is ‘The Universe must hate that school is starting back on Tuesday!’.  ‘Ozziewuld’, as she calls Oswald ‘obviously hates that we are going back to school –…

  • friends,  getting organised,  school,  Uncategorized

    Classes for next year have been proposed!

    Yesterday I read the school newsletter and found that while my big girls will be in straight classes next year – year 4 and 5, the admin at the school are bracing us parents early for the prospect of a year 1/2 class and a 2/3 class.    Now if you know me, you will know that I am not in favour with this idea.   Some may disagree with the way I am thinking, but here it goes. My youngest little girl will be going into year 2 next year, she is one of the youngest in her class, being a late May baby, but if its up to…

  • family friendly,  family fun,  friends,  school event,  Sunshine Coast

    Well I was going to watch a Movie….

    All day I was thinking how great it was that I was going to have a little down time tonight.  Bethy had begged and pleaded all week to go to the Bush dance at school and Dion was willing to take her and had every intention of taking her but I gave him the option tonight when he got home from work.  He was not looking forward to going to a bush dance.   So as the good wife that I try to be, I hesitated and then I asked him if he preferred that I take her….I hesitated, because I knew that if I gave him or any man…