A Mothers work is never done!
When school returned three weeks ago, I assumed I would gain time to write, and accomplish a few things on my mummy list, but also a number of things on my ‘Things Sarah wants to accomplish list’. Oh, how wrong I was! Two out of the three girls settled back into school life well – and quickly. Our beautiful middle daughter, has found learning difficult, and while we are helping her at home, She also receives learning support at school, Bethy’s self confidence needs a little work, so we have been having lots of chats about how joy comes from within, and no one can make her happy, Bethy…
Raising Boys
I am the mother of four children – three girls and one little boy. While we planned and desired number four – when I was told the gender of the baby was going to be a boy, I have to admit that I panicked. A part of me was excited, but the other part of me was petrified. What the heck do you do with a boy? They are so different to girls. I have friends with boys and I must admit that I used to think how blessed I was to have girls. Their boys were strange, a little crazy, and did many things that…
Our Children are like Butterflies
The other night I attended an information night at our school for the year five class who have started a program to help build resilience in our children. The program is called ‘Friends for Life’. Personally I believe that this program should be adapted to start in the early primary years, as it is a program that helps kids work through anxiety, frustration, fear, feelings of depression and also how to be a friend. Well, ‘how to be a friend’ is more of a side benefit to knowing how to deal with these other issues. I am a true believer in that it takes a number of sources to…
- date night, family friendly, family fun, friends, getting organised, motivation, Parenting, Sunshine Coast, Things I like
How to Bring out your Inner Goddess!
As a Stay at Home Mum of four children, I decided a few months ago that I needed to go on a journey to find ‘Sarah’ again. The young youthful Sarah, I remember was a very different person to who I am now. I remember her to be a lot more fun and spontaneous than she is now. She used to spontaneously go and have hot chocolates (I am not a coffee or tea drinker) and play pool at the Twin Waters Resort with friends on a Friday or Saturday evening. The young Sarah tried to learn how to surf (failed miserably – but it was fun trying)…
Parenting 101 according to Sarah
Today is the first day of term 4, which means that it is the last term for the school year. I so wish we were able to turn back time and re do the holidays. I never feel ready to get back into the school routine…and I always feel that the holidays go far too quickly. I am so not ready to get back into the school routine mode. Have I ever mentioned to you my love of the school holidays? I think that we really need a third week. That’s just my opinion, and I think its funny that I know many mums who will agree…
The Parenting Rap….
Do you have a household song? This one, tickled my funny bone! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xsw18k_parents-rap-about-maintaining-their-household_music
Parenting can be hard…
When I first saw this image I have to say that I just loved the phrase. Something about it struck a chord with me and everytime I see it, I love it more. I am sure you are wondering why, so I will tell you. I love the simplicity of it….it says it all for me. I’ll explain. I am a mum of four kids. It takes a lot of effort and a whole lot of energy to keep these 4 kids motivated and focused on what they are supposed to do. I have learnt that unless pushed and sometimes shoved, all children are basically lazy. They…