• 2017,  Family,  home,  motherhood in the naughties,  Parenting

    Happy Mother’s Day

    Its Mother’s Day on Sunday! Many mums look at their lives and analyse how they’re doing in their role as a mother. Some days I feel great about motherhood.  Other days I thank God we all survived the day!  Most days I move through the day feeling cool and calm like ‘Mary Poppins’, other days when I feel overwhelmed and out of sorts I feel a little like ‘Bruce Banner’ on a stressful day. I have discovered that Motherhood = Imperfection! And while many will disagree with me when I say that imperfection is okay.  This thought is what helps me when I have 4 baskets of clothing waiting to be…

  • homelife,  Mothers Day Gift

    Mothers Day. A Day for Mums. A Day for Me.

    Mothers day 2014, was a good day. My day started out rather strangely.  I woke up to Jaden sitting on my face.  He lost his balance when he bounced on my bed.    Thank God I don’t sleep on my back – it could have been more awkward than it was.   It wasn’t the gentle wake up I was hoping for this mothers day, but it still turned out to be a nice day. I had told hubby to save our money this year.   I don’t really need anything,  and I have started decluttering our home again – so while gifts are nice and do play a part in…