• 2020,  homelife,  podcasts

    Money Life Hacks for Mums

    About five years ago I stumbled upon Author Gretchen Rubin’s ‘Happier’ podcast. Each week Gretchen and her sister Elizabeth discuss ways in which we can make our lives a little bit happier. I look forward to the next instalment each week. FYI The Happier podcast drops on Wednesday afternoons. Some of my favourite ‘Try this at home’ ideas are the one minute rule, Observe the family update (weekly email update of what’s going on in your life to your family members – doesn’t matter if you feel your news or life is boring, its the principle of keeping in contact despite the chaos (This is something I want to start.…

  • car service,  household jobs

    Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in, Breathe out

    Well, I got the car back from the mechanic and lets just say that I almost had to give over my left arm, and two toes.   That voucher I was talking about earlier was and is a crock!   Yes, it was a big service, but my gut feeling was that they saw a woman walk into their store and they knew what buttons to push.   I would love to name and shame them…but I won’t.   If you ask me who it was I will nod when you get it right…I just don’t want to be accused of publically shaming the business. I got a call earlier in the day to…