A Mischievious Christmas
Christmas is a season that should be enjoyed, happy memories made, and mums should not be locked in the kitchen preparing the meal while everyone else is having fun. Sadly, the Christmas period can be a stressful time in the year for many mums and it really shouldn’t be. My favourite mantra is ‘Keep It Simple’, because its important to get back to what Christmas is all about. Its about connecting with the people in our lives that are special to us. To ‘keep life as simple’ as possible, you must get yourself and your family organised. Everyone (including extended family) needs to be on the same page. The goal…
How to Have a Merry Christmas – Keep it Simple!!!
Its been weeks since I have written! Not because I haven’t wanted to write, I have just had a lot on my plate. Our lives have been rather hectic and chaotic over the last few weeks, actually the last couple of months, I literally haven’t had a chance to write – although I must say that I have been giving ‘the next blog post’ some thought. The next blog post is always on my mind! 🙂 The school year literally screeched to a halt on the 5th December, and I must admit that I had been feeling as though we were on an emotional roller coaster right…