Intentional Romance 2.0
The best thing about a rainy day is curling up to a great book or watching a movie. This time it was the sequel to the Big Fat Greek Wedding movie. I normally don’t like sequels, but I really loved the original movie, so I thought I would give it a go. I’m not going to tell you all about the movie and spoil it for everyone who wants to see it, but I am going to tell you about the one line in the movie that gave me a little shove, and reminded me that we (the majority of mums) need to make more of an effort in…
Daring to Love
Last Sunday morning at church, we dropped our two younger kids in at kids church and grabbed our seats. The music was playing and as I looked around the room my eyes landed on the elderly couple in the seats in front of us to the right. I found myself watching them. I couldn’t help watch the way the gentleman held his arm around his wife, how he supported her while standing and worshipping God together. It was a gorgeous sight to behold. I hope and pray we are like that down the track. The reward to working hard in our marriage was right there in front…
Refresh thy Marriage
Having children has definitely made our lives far richer than I could ever have known or imagined. My only wish is that hubby and I had more time to plan and dream about our lives and our future like we did when we were first together. While I love where we are 13 years and 10 months on, I sometimes wish we could jump through a portal and go back to those days when it was just us. It would be nice to enjoy that ‘specialness of newly wedded bliss’ with no responsibilities again. Now don’t go assuming that I regret having children because I don’t. Far from it. I love…
A Love Story!
On Monday, the 1st of December, hubby and I will be celebrating our 13th wedding anniversary! I can’t believe we have been married for 13 years! We have travelled a long way from our wedding day on the 1st December 2001, but in many ways, it still feels like we started our lives together just yesterday…..well maybe a couple of weeks ago. Thirteen years has gone so fast. Today, I thought I would share with you our love story. Its the Dion and Sarah Love Story – I’ll probably never be offered a million or two dollars to buy the movie rights so its safe to assume this is a safe…