School Life is Back 2018
The first school term of the year is well and truly underway!
Only seven weeks and two days till the next set of holidays. Not that I am counting – (I so am!!)
This year our third child, our Daughter Nelly, started high school. This is a big deal. We have three daughters in high school now!
I personally don’t like that year 7 is now considered high school. Nelly doesn’t turn 12 till the end of May, she still loves playing Barbie and with her LOL Surprise Dolls. She is still a little girl at heart, and I don’t want her to feel as though she has to stop playing barbies and dolls until she is ready to put those things aside. I don’t expect Nell to love playing with dolls forever, but I do think that year 7 should remain attached to primary school, as it would allow young girls to feel free to continue their love of childish things, for just a bit longer.
There is also a massive jump in educational expectations.
This week I watched a documentary on the ABC, called ‘Surviving School: My year 7 life’. This documentary takes a look at a group of students starting year 7, over the course of six months. The year 7 students talk about the challenges of entering high school – the difficulties of adjusting to being the little fish in a big pond, after being the big fish in a small pond; life long friends going to different schools; finding new friends; school work; homework and assessments; bullying and school punishments. The kids were very open about their feelings, their wins and their struggles, and their social media. All the parents commented that their kids became glued to their devices and lamented on what their children did with their time prior to ‘year 7’. Year 7 literally turned their children’s worlds upside down.
Now, we might be homeschooling family, but there have been a few ‘growing up tears’ in our household. Life as a primary schooler is a lot simpler, and while there are expectations to perform well in school, the expectations of high school are very real to Nell and her friends. It has been a big growing up experience for them all. I’m hoping that the initial shock surpasses and Nell settles into high school life quickly.
With 7 weeks and 2 days to go till the Easter Holidays, I am hoping that the holidays come quickly. Till then though, we will enjoy the process and do what needs to be done. It is easy to wish away time, but we need to remember the reality – we never get to have this time again with our kids. It is important to enjoy the now.
Till next time,