November – the month of getting organised!
Over the last couple of weeks I have been doing a lot of thinking. I have been trying to work out the direction I want to take in 2013. I am trying to make a few decisions for my life. Does anyone else find that they start thinking about the direction for their lives in November, or is just me? I wonder if its because I see tables of fresh new diaries for the next year popping up on tables in shopping centres, so one feels a little pressure to do something with one’s life? There is something surreal about the month of November for me. November is busy as the school year heads toward the finish line, book lists need to be dealt with, Christmas needs to be thought about and well life in general is busy busy busy!
First of all, I will start by saying that I love my blog and I am on quite a journey with it. You see I love to write, so writing and publishing my thoughts, plans and interests to my blog – means I am actually also posting to a number of different social media sites. According to my stats….it seems my blog is doing modestly well. Some days I am in awe of how many hits I have received. Its on these days I feel rather good about myself. I feel that writing is my niche in this world, and I have good feelings about 2013. In 2013, I would love to take my blog to another level. I have a few thoughts, but I am uncertain in the exact direction I will take at this moment – but I am definitely going to take it up a level. All I know is that there is a change a coming, and change is gooooood!
I have a few projects that I would like to spend a little time on over the holidays, so that the new year can start with a bang (a good bang of course), but the biggest piece of news is that I am in the middle of applying to study a Bachelor in Communication (media studies) through Swinburne University! Now I know your probably thinking and wanting to ask me how I plan to do this with 4 kids, a hubby and a household to care for – I will tell you, I am going to start studying part time and hopefully build on that so that I can get through the course a little quicker. I will probably tell you how crazy I feel trying to do it all. In fact, I am pretty sure there are many blog posts coming about whats happening in the world of ‘Mummy in Uni land’. I will blog about what type of chaos comes to our lives with this new feature in our lives. So the plan over the holidays is to get this family of mine into some order. 2013 needs to be a good year for everyone in our home, not just the kids. So, over the holidays, I am going to spend some time putting some fresh new systems in place so that 2013 is a good year for everybody in this household. If there are no systems – mummy can’t cope and therefore will not be happy. The plan is to share what I work out as I go along!
There will be schedules. There will be chore charts. There will be behaviour charts. By golly, there are changes a coming and its exciting!
I am really excited to think that I will be able to help financially after all these years. I have been a stay at home mum for a bit longer than 10 years, and I am over the moon that I have the potential to earn an income that will make a difference to our lives. As much as I love my family, I am over the moon that we are now past the ‘having babies’ time in our lives. The next time I go to a maternity ward will be because I am meeting my future nieces or nephews. Bring them on brothers and sister in laws! It feels good to have turned a corner – one door of my life has closed and the next is about to open! 2013 has got to be a good year!