New Life, New Decade

Happy New Year!!!
I’m quite excited about 2020…I feel as though there are some great things in store for the coming year.
I had all these plans to write more last year, however, 2019 turned out to be my hardest year ever. Well it felt like that. For the most part I felt over the whole homeschooling life, I wanted to send the kids back to school and finish up with homeschooling, my Uncle (who’s my mum’s twin) died suddenly in July which really threw us a curve ball, our eldest was in year 11 – and that in itself was full on. I just felt tired, overworked, underpaid, too busy too enjoy life.
It’s never just one issue that causes us to stumble. I felt as though I was pushing elephants up a hill for much of 2019, and so by the time September came around, I was ready for 2020 to save me from what I felt was too big and too full on to put into words.
Don’t get me wrong, there were lots of great things that happened in 2019, the kids had a great school year, we had a family holiday with my brothers and their families up at Noosa in November, we worked on our home to get it ready for sale, and we also put our home on the market. We had a lovely Christmas, and then of course celebrated New Years with my friends from when I first moved to the Sunshine Coast in 1996. Our lives are all different and full on these days, but we love to catch up and keep the friendship from our youth days alive.
Our eldest completed her Tafe Cert III in Visual Arts (art and photography), and so hubby and I celebrated with her at her graduation in December (Graduates were allowed to bring two guests). We also took her to the Tafe Cre8 night in December where they showcased all of last years Diploma students work from the different creative faculties (graphic design, photography, arts, music, and fashion). This experience inspired Amy, and also encouraged her. She’s very excited to start her advanced diploma in February.
Amy got her learners permit last year, and so we are in the process of doing driving lessons with her. Between you and me, I am going to blame her for my grey hairs coming through. It’s not that she is a bad driver, its more that I don’t find teaching anyone to drive an easy part of parenting. It’s a necessary part of parenting, but I don’t enjoy it. Our second child likes to remind me often that in 4 months she is able to get her learners. I’m so not ready for that!!!
Our second daughter, has been working as an apprentice baker since February 2019. She really enjoys her job and loves having a little money to play with. I enjoy getting her board money, and I love that she can buy her own clothes, make up and desired artefacts. She saves more than she spends, so we feel good about how things are travelling for her at this time.
The two younger ones are still very much kids who love to play. I’m not in any hurry to make our kids grow up too quickly. I love having them around, and while I have some friends with kids who are now all grown up, I am the kind of mum who loves being a mum, and loves being present in the now of where the kids are at.
Our third daughter who is now 13 loves to craft and sew and is always looking for some way to use her glue gun. She’s looks up Pinterest for glue gun ideas and the like. She loves going to fit kids gymnastics and works hard to keep her flexibility. She is super flexible and I often find her watching television with her leg up around her neck. Kids do the strangest things at times.
Our youngest. Our boy, is growing up too quickly. He loves swimming, remote control cars, and his remote control boat (from Nannie for Christmas), lego, his bike and his xbox games. This child is a born player. He’s helpful and loving. He is one of a kind, and while he struggles at times with being the baby in the family, he definitely knows how to use his voice and make himself known. Can’t believe almost 9 years has flown by so quickly. Next week our baby is 9. I guess I can’t call him my baby any more!
I’ve started thinking about 2020 and what goals I would like to achieve. I’ll write again about that once I have come up with my list. This year its 20 for 2020!
Right now I feel like I am in a holding pattern. Our home is on the market! Whether we find the right buyer, or we don’t, we are in for an adventure this year. I am totally trusting God with what happens. We have done everything in our power to get our house organised for sale. If it doesn’t sell, we are fine to stay here for awhile longer. Our future is bright and glossy and we are in a brand new year. I find it rather exciting!
How do you feel about the new year? I have heard quite a number of people say they are happy to see the back of 2019, so I think a lot of people are happy that we are now in 2020.
Bring on a brilliant new year!
(Side thought: If you have any dollars spare, please consider donating to one of the many charities and organisations that are helping families who have lost everything in the fires).