Little Women (2019)

One of my favourite things about having children who have jobs is that every so often they want to take me out for a treat. Yesterday, Beps decided to treat me to the movies. We went to see the new ‘Little Women‘ movie.
Now, I am going to be honest here and say that I was a little nervous going in. I was hoping with everything within me, that the director did not change or manipulate the story of ‘Little Women‘ to modernise it or add characters that need not be added. I hoped that no agenda would be applied to the recent making of the movie of ‘Little Women‘. The story of Little Women is a classic. A time piece of sorts, and with all time pieces, it should not be added to or have any major story line changes. I have always loved the classics, and Louise May Alcott’s story of ‘Little Women‘ is a beautiful coming-of-age story of a family of sisters trying to find their way in the world.
I was a fan of the last making of Little Women where Winona Ryder played the theatrical writer and eldest sister, Josephine (Jo) March, so I was thinking as I sat down at the cinema that this new edition of the movie was going to have to bring the fire works.
And it did!!!
It was far bigger and more wonderful than I could have imagined. Once you get used to the way the story line was conveyed it became easier to watch. There was a lot of back and forth. The director really knew the story and touched on more of the emotions of the story with regards to the characters. The movie in my humble opinion was really well done. I left the cinema feeling satisfied that they didn’t leave us, the audience, hanging wanting for more. They tidied up the questions that needed answering, and we felt as though the movie took us on the full journey through to the end where Jo and her husband Frederick the Professor actually converted the cranky old Aunt’s house into the school she imagined for the people in the town. Sorry for the spoiler alert, but if you have seen or read the story of ‘Little Women‘, you would have already known that part.
Should you go and see it?
Well, that is up too you! I can’t tell you to go and see it, but for those of you who love the classics, I believe you would enjoy it. I’d give this movie a 9/10. I only take a point off for the girl who played Amy. I’m sure she is a lovely person but they needed to cast someone younger in the role as Florence Pugh who played the character of Amy seemed a older than the girls who played her sisters and I didn’t feel she worked fo role. Other than that Little women 2019 was great!
I’m going to leave you with the trailer to watch….