For the first time in a long time I can honestly tell you that I feel as though my world at home is coming together. You probably think this post sounds boring, strange or even a funny thing to write about, but before iso-times began, I felt as though I never had time to do those extra tasks that need to be done around the home, you know conquering cupboards, cleaning out out-of-control drawers, and tackling the garage.
While some painted, DIYed, crafted, baked, learned to play instruments, put puzzles together, read, and watched movies, I made the decision to get my home in order. My goal was to become super duper organised and declutter like a boss in this time at home.
I don’t want to be as busy as I was before the Covid-19 virus hit, however, I have come to terms with the fact that my role at this time in my life is busy. It‘s just how it is right now. It’s this season of my life. I think most mums have come to realise that once the restrictions have been lifted, our new normal will pretty much look like our pre-Covid schedule. I have determined that I want to add to my life though. I want to prioritise more time with extended family and friends. So my quest for being better at being more organised at home is in essence hopefully going to help me be a better mum, have more time (I’m allowed to dream), be a better extended family member and a more active friend.
Covid-19 restrictions have allowed me to stop, reassess my life, rest, read more, work on my health, get organised at home, try new recipes, get to know my pressure cooker better, grocery shop better, and calm my mind. I never wanted this time at home to come because of a virus, but I am so glad that I decided to make the most of it.
Okay, so this is where this post gets a little bit wierd!
At some point, in the very early days of our lives being put on hold, I accidentally stumbled onto YouTube videos all about ‘getting organised at home’, and ‘whole house cleans‘. Youtube must think I am super boring? Or I needed help at home?
I decided to humour youtube, and watch a couple.
Oh my goodness, within a short time, I was off and running. I organised our ensuite bathroom while I watched, should I say listened to this lady talk about how she organised her ensuite. It was amazing. Within a very short time, momentum had kicked in and I had sorted out linen cupboards, kitchen cupboards, laundry cupboards, and bedroom cupboards. I went through Jaden’s draws and literally turned his room upside. I even went to cheap discount shops to find baskets to keep my cupboards organised for longer. The Yummy mummies on the videos told me to buy baskets, and so baskets became an essential item in our household – we have a reject shop around the corner!
They were right, I now officially love baskets!
Exciting News Update!
After years of many tries and many fails, hubby and I spent a day in the garage together, music on in the background, chatting away, cleaning the garage from top to bottom, and Tuesday was the best day ever because we took all the junk to the tip! It was so incredibly satisfying to come home to a happy garage.
Gretchen Rubin says, “Outer order, Inner Calm”, and while running a home is never ending, I feel using this time to bring back some organisation to areas of our home has been positive for our overall inner calm. I am one of those people who needs my home to have a sense or a feeling of being organised so I can have time to do things I want to do. Now that the restrictions are starting to lift, I am starting to feel prepared for the busyness of family life to start again. Covid-19, or no Covid-19 Australia is about to open up again, events and venues will again be populated and busy, and its a nice feeling to have accomplished my goal before the restrictions were completely lifted.
How have you used this time at home?
Till next time. Stay safe,