Hello 2019
There is something quite special about this time of year. Yes it is hot, but the days are long, Christmas and new year celebrations bring family and friends together, and the feeling of being on school holidays makes my heart smile from the inside out. I am in no rush to get back into the grind of term life. Holidays fit me very well – I think they look good on me!!
I love the long end of year holidays where we can linger and enjoy the Sunshine Coast for what it is I know I will sound cheeky when I say this, but living on the Sunshine Coast is blissful! I like to remind myself that people pay a lot of money to holiday up here for a week or two each year, and sadly some families don’t even get a chance to visit the coast.
Holidays are for creating memories with the kids. We are very aware that children only get one childhood. Once it is gone. It’s gone! We don’t get the opportunity to go back in time and redo situations. Once today has gone, it’s gone forever. We are all a day older, and I want my time with the kids to count.
2019 I have a feeling that it’s going to be a great year. Politically it could be a difficult year if Labor/greens get into power, I shudder to think of that happening, but lets pray that concept out of existence (probably not a good idea to get started on that kind of rant).
Getting back to 2019 being a great year!
I have just started thinking about a few things I would like to do personally this year, and also with family and friends. I have just started putting together my ‘19 things for 2019’ list, and it has started to help me feel a little excited about the year ahead. I love that a new year feels like a brand new canvas waiting to be painted on.
What do you want your year to look like?
Last year I felt like I agonised about meaning and purpose a little too much, and the more I felt like I agonised, the further I felt I was from figuring out my purpose. This year I want to follow my heart, and be more proactive in being involved in those things that make me tick, and my heart smile. Sounds simple. Theory is always easier than practice. 🙂 I would like to focus on making decisions that bring joy to our family, friends, church family, and our futures. The art of this joy is balance and boundaries so we started our year getting organised around the house. Organisation is an important part of being able to invite joy into our lives. I like what Gretchen Rubin says about this, ‘outer order, brings inner calm’. We have to be pro active in our efforts to not just invite joy in, but to also keep joy from leaving.
So here we are the 10th day into the new year and so far so good. Good things are already happening, and I feel excited that this coming year is going to be a great. Happy New Year!
Chat soon,
I love the long end of year holidays where we can linger and enjoy the Sunshine Coast for what it is I know I will sound cheeky when I say this, but living on the Sunshine Coast is blissful! I like to remind myself that people pay a lot of money to holiday up here for a week or two each year, and sadly some families don’t even get a chance to visit the coast.
Holidays are for creating memories with the kids. We are very aware that children only get one childhood. Once it is gone. It’s gone! We don’t get the opportunity to go back in time and redo situations. Once today has gone, it’s gone forever. We are all a day older, and I want my time with the kids to count.
2019 I have a feeling that it’s going to be a great year. Politically it could be a difficult year if Labor/greens get into power, I shudder to think of that happening, but lets pray that concept out of existence (probably not a good idea to get started on that kind of rant).
Getting back to 2019 being a great year!
I have just started thinking about a few things I would like to do personally this year, and also with family and friends. I have just started putting together my ‘19 things for 2019’ list, and it has started to help me feel a little excited about the year ahead. I love that a new year feels like a brand new canvas waiting to be painted on.
What do you want your year to look like?
Last year I felt like I agonised about meaning and purpose a little too much, and the more I felt like I agonised, the further I felt I was from figuring out my purpose. This year I want to follow my heart, and be more proactive in being involved in those things that make me tick, and my heart smile. Sounds simple. Theory is always easier than practice. 🙂 I would like to focus on making decisions that bring joy to our family, friends, church family, and our futures. The art of this joy is balance and boundaries so we started our year getting organised around the house. Organisation is an important part of being able to invite joy into our lives. I like what Gretchen Rubin says about this, ‘outer order, brings inner calm’. We have to be pro active in our efforts to not just invite joy in, but to also keep joy from leaving.
So here we are the 10th day into the new year and so far so good. Good things are already happening, and I feel excited that this coming year is going to be a great. Happy New Year!
Chat soon,