Friendship: The Gift of Grace
Today I was talking to a friend about how easy it is for mums to neglect friendships when we are giving out so much to our family’s.
I don’t like or want to neglect my friends, but sometimes family life, and the mental load of mum life overrun my deepest desire to be the best friend I can be to my friends. I’m trying to improve the mental load aspects of my life so I can be a better friend to my friends.
The most amazing thing about friendship, true friendship, is grace. All relationships need grace, and it is this grace that allows us to be our vulnerable selves in our relationships. Grace covers misunderstandings, forgotten text message replies, rescheduled coffee dates, and postponed dinners, even forgetfulness. Whether the need for grace is from family members or friendships, we all need grace in some capacity.
Grace is an exercise of love, kindness, and good will to others. I know that my friends are as busy as I am in their own lives, but my commitment as a friend is that I will always give my friends the benefit of the doubt and bucket loads of grace when they need to change the plans. Life is hard enough, we need our friends, and grace is the answer to good relationships.
I know that my friends are as busy as I am in their own lives. My personal commitment to my friends will always be ‘grace’, because I know with everything in my heart that the foundation of good friendship is love and grace, and a catch up whenever physically possible. Sometimes the moon and the stars match up perfectly for catch ups, and sometimes it doesn’t, but grace encourages us to keep trying, and of course, having time with special friends is always the highlight of our lives, and definitely worth the effort of kicking back with friends and chatting over hot chocolates or coffee.
Looking forward to catching up.
Chat soon,