Health is NOT over rated!
Hello Beautiful Readers, What a huge couple of weeks I have had. I’m starting to think that a little knowledge is dangerous. It changes your perspective and belief system on so many levels. Now I am sure you are wondering what I am going to chat about today, so I will tell you. As you know, over the last so many months I have been on a health journey. I will admit that I have had a little struggle with it, due to a couple of disappointing moments where I could have literally thrown the scales out the window. While I haven’t been happy with my recent results I have…
The Lisa Curry Program
“Be the best version of yourself and take back control of your health & happiness” Today I am recommending a weightless and exercise program. I am one of those crazy people who has to tell the world when I have found something awesome – something really great – and something that really works. Today is a shout out to the Lisa Curry Program (http://www.lisacurrykissclub.com.au) I don’t normally shout out numbers like this – but I have to say that I am impressed with myself, because as of today I have lost 10.2 kg. I know!!! This is pretty cool for someone without a thyroid!!! I have a couple of…
The Rubber meets the Road…Its time to get serious for 2013!
December 2012 is coming to a close. In five more sleeps it will be new years eve, and then it will be the 1st of January 2013. The first of January is symbolic. It is the day that most people start thinking about what they want for their lives, and what they want to change. They start to put a goal list together. Most of us make ‘good intention’ promises to ourselves – the plan is to do better and be better. We have good intentions, but new plans or new convictions for our lives can not stand up too good intentions. Unfortunately good…
Thyroids – who needs them!?
What do you have (or most of you have) that I don’t have? If you guessed a thyroid – you would be correct! I was born without one. A little fact for you, is that I was the first baby found in Queensland to be tested and found to be without thyroid as a baby. I am so famous that my name can actually be found in the medical books to prove this if your wondering! Thanks to me, all babies are now tested for thyroid issues after birth – this test is done in correlation to the heel prick test. This little organ, the majority of…
The 30 Day Challenge!
I found the perfect video for this blog post. I have been giving this kind of challenge some thought over the last couple of days, so you can only imagine my excitement, yes excitement, when I found this video. I am sure you are wondering why I would be excited to find a video – bit lame? No, not lame, but I am excited as it sets up my blog post perfectly. “The next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not, so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days?” (Matt Cutts) I…
The Quest has begun
The quest for ultimate health has started…you should see some of the things I am googling and looking up on Pinterest! There is so much information out on the internet that you can change your life and turn it upside down all by yourself these days if you have any will power at all? The other part of this is that there is no excuse for us to not know how to find information. How is your will power levels going? Well for me personally I wanted to start the process of looking at the types of foods I have been accustomed to eating because I am sure there are…
Arm yourself with knowledge
There is a process to getting your head around losing weight. I know I have mentioned this subject before on my blog, but I have come to realise that one needs to get absolutely sick of themselves before they do anything about the situation that they are in. Passion drives a person, and motivation keeps the wheels moving, and if I am completely honest with myself, I have been looking for the easy way out!. No! its true! Why do I want to lose weight? Well thats easy, I want to feel good and wear nice clothes. I also think that people feel that they can be successful…
Cosmetic surgery anyone?
Today I was looking through my blog feeling a little blah about it. My blog was boring me so I have given a little freshen up. Hence the cosmetic surgery. Anyway it got me thinking about my thoughts on cosmetic surgery…now I have to say that I am 36 and feeling rather tired…I am getting those crows feet around my eyes when I smile…In many respects I feel as though my youthful days are well and truly behind me, and I am becoming a little pre-occupied with anti-aging and youth! Today, being Sunday, has been one of those days really. I have started half a dozen…