school event
Friday, your on my mind!
This is a short post due to the fact that life is happening in a very fast manner. Its Thursday afternoon and I need to make sure that the kids have completed their homework contracts for the week and that Amy, our eldest, needs to have her project done which is to go to school completed with her tomorrow. It seems that I am co-ordinating this project! I am trying to get Ames to think outside the box and come up with some of her own ways to present her poster on Meagen Nay. Our printer has decided to play up and so I need to email the information…
Questions regarding Parent Teacher Interviews and report cards!
Over the holidays we received in the mail the girls school report cards. I always love getting their reports to see the comments and grades, but mostly their comments. I agreed with Bethy and Amy’s report wholeheartedly, and while I had a couple of questions relating to Bethany’s report – I was overall happy, as I feel that her learning needs are finally being considered and her learning issues at school are being catered for. I found Chanel’s report a little puzzling. While all her comments were pleasing, and her grades were good, I found that she was given a D for computers. Chanel uses the…