Photo Challenges
Day 29 September Photo Challenge
It was beautiful. There aren’t any words that can describe how wonderful it was to put my feet in the sand and look out on the water. I have to work out a way that I can take this home with me . The beach is my happy place. It’s the place where I feel most centred and most calm. My favourite time of day is early in the morning just as the sun is peaking over the horizon. The air is crisp and as the waves gently crash onto the shore line. All is well in the world.
Day 27 September photo challenge
We took the kids to see the new Stork movie. I’m not a big fan of animated films but I must say that I did enjoy this one. The kids love all the cinema posters and cardboard structures so of course we took photos!!
Day 24 – September Photo Challenge
This quote is the very first paragraph in the introduction page of Brene Brown’s book, ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’. I think as women – Mums, it is easy to feel as though we are always trying to catch up, and ‘sometimes’ we can feel inferior to others around us who ‘appear’ to have it all together. I have learned that most women feel the same. Many of us connect in our imperfections. Most of us are just doing our best, and when we compare ourselves to where others are in their lives, we lose our way. I would love to hear how you feel when you read this quote?
Day 22 September photo challenge
Today we pick up daughter 2 and 3 from camp. They attended a three night four day music adventure camp at bribie island this week and had a ball. I don’t think they have stopped talking about camp. It’s great to have them home!
Day 17 September photo challenge
We are never too old to enjoy a playground. I can’t believe my firstborn will be 14 in a months time.
Day 16 September photo challenge
Day 14 September photo challenge
What a day! Bethy and Chanel are going to camp next week. They will be participating in a mad hatters tea party themed party.
Day 10 September photo challenge