Sports Carnival vs Much needed Mummy time!
Today Bethy and Chanel had their sports day at school, I usually go to all sports carnivals, but when mum offered to have Jaden for the day I felt that I really needed to jump at the opportunity for a day off. When I say a day off, I mean I really wanted time to do a few things on my personal list. Today the kids were supposed to learn how to Zumba at fit4life, but unfortunately Freya changed the plan and they instead played ball games in the tennis courts. Last week I heard that the kids were going to do Zumba so we have been talking about…
Shoulda Woulda Coulda
There are two remarkable things in life. The first is hindsight. Hindsight is a wonderful tool and sometimes painful tool too learn our life lessons, and the second is a child’s point of view. When I was a child I tried to jump into adulthood as fast as I could. I mostly enjoyed my childhood, but I wanted to grow up and be responsible and live my life – I loved the idea of independence. Although at the time, I don’t think the word independence was the word I used. I imagined my adult life a little different in terms of how it has worked out, but none the…
I concur….!
Jerry Seinfeld had the right idea when he said this quote. I would change one tiny little element though….I would say that any toddler who can walk and get into anything at all is like having a blender without a lid. Jaden is a blender with no lid…he plays strong and hard all day, well till midday when sleep time comes and then plays hard till bed time. I have often wondered since having children why God did not install a sleep button in our children. It can be incredibly difficult sometimes when your dealing with a toddler with a will just as strong as yours. It…
- Family, family friendly, family fun, Gold Coast, Parenting, parenting teenagers, Things I like, Uncategorized
Putting a price on Fun!
A couple of weeks ago to buy the Myfun – Seaworld, Movieworld and Wet’n Wild tickets for the family. We haven’t done anything like that before, but we discovered yesterday that if you want to buy tickets at the gate (Movie World), you will be paying the hefty price of $79.95 for an adult for one day at the theme park, and $49.95 for children and concession tickets. Because of the cost involved for a large-ish family it made sense for us to buy the VIP MyFun Tickets – We went to Movie world today and I learned a couple of things. I learned that Amy is…
Questions regarding Parent Teacher Interviews and report cards!
Over the holidays we received in the mail the girls school report cards. I always love getting their reports to see the comments and grades, but mostly their comments. I agreed with Bethy and Amy’s report wholeheartedly, and while I had a couple of questions relating to Bethany’s report – I was overall happy, as I feel that her learning needs are finally being considered and her learning issues at school are being catered for. I found Chanel’s report a little puzzling. While all her comments were pleasing, and her grades were good, I found that she was given a D for computers. Chanel uses the…
The youth just don’t understand good food!
Its funny because when I was young, living at home with my family I remember my mum would get really excited when she went grocery shopping and had come home with fruit and vegetables. Yep! That’s right I did say it. My mum would get really excited about buying good fruit and vegetables! Now, I have to admit it that when I would see mum so happy about her fruit and vegetables I did think that she was nuts. Now that I am well and truly an adult and I am getting older I have realised that in many ways I am not really a spring chicken. I have always…
Parenting can be hard…
When I first saw this image I have to say that I just loved the phrase. Something about it struck a chord with me and everytime I see it, I love it more. I am sure you are wondering why, so I will tell you. I love the simplicity of it….it says it all for me. I’ll explain. I am a mum of four kids. It takes a lot of effort and a whole lot of energy to keep these 4 kids motivated and focused on what they are supposed to do. I have learnt that unless pushed and sometimes shoved, all children are basically lazy. They…
Life with kids can be….
Although this blackboard sign sends chills throughout my being – I don’t need or want a kitten, I do understand what it must be like for store owners/managers when my tribe and I go shopping. Today we dropped in on a Lifeline store close to home, and I am sure they breathed freely once we had left. All four of our kids were having fun in the toy area of the store, pulling out games, toys, books, and clothes. I have to be honest and say that I was thankful that the strange bearded man was not on duty today. He does not cope with the chaos…