Wheat Belly Quick Recap
In my last blog post I told you all about a book called ‘Wheat Belly’, a book about getting rid of wheat in our diets. I am not going retell you the story of wheat belly, or what i have been learning about. I will say though that if you would like to read about the idea behind Wheat Belly, please head over to One of my wonderful readers informed me about a facebook page called Cut the crap which is now one of my favourite go-to resource. Facebook also has a Wheat Belly page, which I find incredibly inspiring. I have also learned over the last couple…
Health is NOT over rated!
Hello Beautiful Readers, What a huge couple of weeks I have had. I’m starting to think that a little knowledge is dangerous. It changes your perspective and belief system on so many levels. Now I am sure you are wondering what I am going to chat about today, so I will tell you. As you know, over the last so many months I have been on a health journey. I will admit that I have had a little struggle with it, due to a couple of disappointing moments where I could have literally thrown the scales out the window. While I haven’t been happy with my recent results I have…
Are you Happy?
Last night a friend of mine and I attended the screening for the Happy Movie. A documentary type movie about what actually makes people happy. It was quite an amazing and interesting journey from the psychology and physiology of happiness, to the environment in which we live, the people around us, our personal and professional successes, to the culture that we live in. There are so many components to what makes us happy. The question of happiness and what makes us happy is a complex and somewhat personal question. The Happy Movie was initiated by a director/producer in the United States – Tom Shadyac (who produced Patch Adams, the…
The Weight loss Journey
At the start of the year I made a commitment to myself. I was going to pull myself together and start exercising on a regular basis, and eating better. If you know me, I am the type of person who is more interested in catching up with a friend over coffee. I don’t drink coffee, but I love to sit and chat to my friends while they drink their coffees. I am happy to catch up with friends with either a hot chocolate or a glass of water. My group of friends are all changing our behaviour. We are still catching up for a coffee, but we are getting up…
A Beautiful Gift Recently a very lovely friend of mine gave me a gift! Its a gift that I have to admit that I had never heard of before, and when I had opened it I was surprised and thrilled. I bet your wondering what my gorgeous little gift is? Well I will show you! It’s a Spongelle! I have used this gorgeous gift every time I have showered for the last 12 days, and its still going strong. The Spongelle is a beautiful bodywash infused buffer or sponge. This one is known as the Hot Spice Ginger Infusion, and lets just say that I feel fantastic getting out of the shower. This ‘Hot Spice…
Thyroids – who needs them!?
What do you have (or most of you have) that I don’t have? If you guessed a thyroid – you would be correct! I was born without one. A little fact for you, is that I was the first baby found in Queensland to be tested and found to be without thyroid as a baby. I am so famous that my name can actually be found in the medical books to prove this if your wondering! Thanks to me, all babies are now tested for thyroid issues after birth – this test is done in correlation to the heel prick test. This little organ, the majority of…
Do you have to put everything on line?
Well we all know the Kardashian family will do anything for a dollar! I just wonder what they won’t do? The Aussie site has published a photo of Kourtney Kardashian, legs in stirrups, literally pulling her baby daughter out. Is this too much information? Do we need to see every aspect of their lives? Are they able to keep some things in their lives private? I get that some people don’t care how many people are in the room while they give birth….but having people all over the globe watching on television and seeing your birth photos is just a bit wierd. Well that’s…
The Quest has begun
The quest for ultimate health has started…you should see some of the things I am googling and looking up on Pinterest! There is so much information out on the internet that you can change your life and turn it upside down all by yourself these days if you have any will power at all? The other part of this is that there is no excuse for us to not know how to find information. How is your will power levels going? Well for me personally I wanted to start the process of looking at the types of foods I have been accustomed to eating because I am sure there are…