getting organised
Did you bring your game?
I’m not sure when it started, but at some point in the last six weeks, I started asking our girls each day if they are bringing their game to the table today! I mentioned it to my friend recently when she asked me how I get my kids motivated for school each day. All I know is that whenever I ask this question, the kids work well, and when I don’t ask the question – we seem to have an average work day. We’ve started calling it the ‘golden question’, because we really do feel that we have a good work day when I ask them if they are bringing their…
Decluttering and Making Room for a Better Life.
This decluttering streak I am on is going well. I have completely un-babied our home, and I have moved on to other areas of the house. Its been going very well. Actually, I’ll correct myself here, it WAS going very well. I started going through the book case and found Gretchin Rubin’s book ‘Happier at Home’ on the bookshelf, and lets just say that I got a teeny bit distracted. The issue here is that I have a thing for books. I have always loved reading, and I have always found it difficult to pass on books. I can only imagine how hard it would be for a fashionista to…
My Top 10 Hints for Simple Living
I recently ‘liked’ a page on facebook called ‘Old Sunshine Coast’ and I have felt very priviledged to have a birds eye view back to the past. I moved to the Sunshine Coast at a time in my life where I was single and completely and utterly responsible for myself. Some might consider those days ‘The good old days’, and I have to admit that I have moments where I miss that girl – but I am quickly reminded of how blessed I am to have the husband I have and the children I have. When I look at those old photos of the coast, I can’t help but think…
Living your Best Life – Nobody has it altogether!
Do you think its possible to ever get to a place where you actually have it altogether? I got a laugh out of this You tube video a friend of mine posted to facebook. It depicts a family walking through the doors of their church – Everyone turns to admire this family, because….’they have it all together’. Little do their church family know how their morning went. I encourage you to watch. It’s so easy to think that others have their lives sorted. Its easy to believe that ‘others’ have it altogether, and its easy to feel as though we are the only ones who understand what…
Is there an Elephant in your room?
Many years ago I was given this picture in the form of a big beautifully framed print. It lived in my lounge room until one day one of my children, not mentioning names Amy, jumped on my couch, lost her balance and somehow grabbed onto the frame. The frame came tumbling down onto the floor and while I was happy that Amy was not hurt in any way, the glass smashed and somehow cut into the picture – it wasn’t fixable. I made the decision to throw it out, and I hoped I would get to see this picture again some day. Today was the day! While I agree…
- family friendly, getting organised, household jobs, motivation, Parenting, parenting teenagers, Things to do
Just a House wife, Are We?
I know that I am not the only woman who feels guilty if the house is messy. I don’t feel I can sit and write, or plan my next blog post or adventure, if my home is not how I like it. I realise that some mums can work and play around a messy home but I am just not one of these mums. This week, I watched ‘The Biggest Loser’. I had said that I wasn’t going to watch the show at all this year, but now that the contestants have stopped whinging and whining about exercise, accepted the trainers are there to help them and push…
- date night, family friendly, family fun, friends, getting organised, motivation, Parenting, Sunshine Coast, Things I like
How to Bring out your Inner Goddess!
As a Stay at Home Mum of four children, I decided a few months ago that I needed to go on a journey to find ‘Sarah’ again. The young youthful Sarah, I remember was a very different person to who I am now. I remember her to be a lot more fun and spontaneous than she is now. She used to spontaneously go and have hot chocolates (I am not a coffee or tea drinker) and play pool at the Twin Waters Resort with friends on a Friday or Saturday evening. The young Sarah tried to learn how to surf (failed miserably – but it was fun trying)…
This is a Pep talk you need to hear!
You need to see this video. Everyone needs a pep talk from time to time. Kid President makes you smile. Take a look and don’t forget to let me know what you think!