family friendly
kids movies, activities, fun
Raising Techy kids
Technology has changed our world on so many levels. I can’t imagine our world now without laptops, iPads/tablets, iPods and smartPhones. I can’t imagine life without wifi….God forbid we still lived in a world with dial up internet, or NO internet at all?!! I can’t imagine life without the many apps I use on a daily basis. I don’t know about you, but these days I have a very happy codependent relationship with google – a relationship I have no desire to break off. Hubby is very tech savvy, and I love the world of blogging, wordpress, photography, and social media, so it’s very easy to understand why our kids…
How to Have a Merry Christmas – Keep it Simple!!!
Its been weeks since I have written! Not because I haven’t wanted to write, I have just had a lot on my plate. Our lives have been rather hectic and chaotic over the last few weeks, actually the last couple of months, I literally haven’t had a chance to write – although I must say that I have been giving ‘the next blog post’ some thought. The next blog post is always on my mind! 🙂 The school year literally screeched to a halt on the 5th December, and I must admit that I had been feeling as though we were on an emotional roller coaster right…
Urgency in the heart, or is it just the pending Midlife Crisis?!
Its Monday. The First day of the second week of term 4 (2013). After today, our school year has 7 weeks and 4 days left for the year – not that I am counting! This week is also ‘week 43’ of the calendar year, and this means that we have 9 weeks and 5 days till the end of 2013. Before we know it, Christmas and January 2014 will be upon us. Isn’t this a sobering thought? Time is flying past far too quickly for my liking. I woke today feeling a sense of urgency in my spirit. I’m still trying to work out exactly what the…
Back to School after a fun filled September Holidays
I can’t believe two weeks has passed since I blogged last! Its true – time does go faster when you’re having fun!! Life in our house over the school holiday period was very fast and very fun, and because holidays are all about quality time with the kids, I really wanted to be present – in mind and spirit with them. So, knowing how easy it is for me to go into ‘the Mischievious Mum’ world of blogging, I decided to put blogging on the back burner for the school holidays. It was time to have fun with the kids! We looked at my last blog post ‘How to…
How to keep out of Mischief on the School Holidays!
I am absolutely gobsmacked when I hear mums gripe about school holidays. I heard one mother at school ask why ‘they’ do it to us? As if schools are completely responsible for making holidays a negative or a painful experience for us parents. Are school holidays really that traumatic for some parents? Everything in me wanted to answer this mother’s question of why, but I felt to stop myself. You see, I am a mum on the opposite side of the spectrum. I love school holidays. I love the adventure of planning our days, and working out how we can best spend our time. I want the kids to have…
Is there an Elephant in your room?
Many years ago I was given this picture in the form of a big beautifully framed print. It lived in my lounge room until one day one of my children, not mentioning names Amy, jumped on my couch, lost her balance and somehow grabbed onto the frame. The frame came tumbling down onto the floor and while I was happy that Amy was not hurt in any way, the glass smashed and somehow cut into the picture – it wasn’t fixable. I made the decision to throw it out, and I hoped I would get to see this picture again some day. Today was the day! While I agree…
- family friendly, getting organised, household jobs, motivation, Parenting, parenting teenagers, Things to do
Just a House wife, Are We?
I know that I am not the only woman who feels guilty if the house is messy. I don’t feel I can sit and write, or plan my next blog post or adventure, if my home is not how I like it. I realise that some mums can work and play around a messy home but I am just not one of these mums. This week, I watched ‘The Biggest Loser’. I had said that I wasn’t going to watch the show at all this year, but now that the contestants have stopped whinging and whining about exercise, accepted the trainers are there to help them and push…
Are you Happy?
Last night a friend of mine and I attended the screening for the Happy Movie. A documentary type movie about what actually makes people happy. It was quite an amazing and interesting journey from the psychology and physiology of happiness, to the environment in which we live, the people around us, our personal and professional successes, to the culture that we live in. There are so many components to what makes us happy. The question of happiness and what makes us happy is a complex and somewhat personal question. The Happy Movie was initiated by a director/producer in the United States – Tom Shadyac (who produced Patch Adams, the…