Soul Searching January
What an amazing first month of the year! 2018 has gotten off to a great start! The end of the holidays are closing in on us sadly. These holidays have been a wonderful time for our family. We have spent quality time together and this in itself has been what I call, priceless!! Time together is what we needed. Family time + Quality time = Closeness, and the opportunity to do some soul searching! Soul searching gives us an opportunity to assess our lives, make some new decisions, come to terms and make peace with what or who we have lost (specifically people who have left our lives), and…
The 2017 Wrap Up
What an amazing, huge, emotionally charged, crazy year! How does one really evaluate a year that has been so big in so many ways!!! If I was to link a song to this year, I think I would probably choose Myley Cyrus’s ‘Wrecking Ball’ song! 2017 came in like a wrecking ball! At the start of 2017, I had a lot of ideas for how I wanted the year to play out – things I wanted to do personally, and a number of things I wanted to achieve for our family. I knew it was going to be a little challenging to do it all, but I think I…
The Game of Life
One of our family’s favourite board games is ‘The Game of Life’. I personally prefer the original version of the game, but after many years of play, we needed to update and buy the new version. Unfortunately, the new version’s board is a lot smaller, and they have changed the format of the game. I suppose that happens when we try to modernise something that doesn’t need modernising. The only reason we decided to upgrade to the newer version was that our game was literally falling apart. Pieces were missing and the board was broken. Our trusty original ‘Game of Life’ had been thoroughly enjoyed and used…
Christmas is coming!
Over the weekend we put up our Christmas tree! It was a wet overcast afternoon, and the kids were eager to put the tree up. It was the perfect day to put up our family Christmas tree. We put my new favourite Christmas carol album on Spotify and enjoyed watching the kids put the decorations on the tree. By the way, my new favourite Christmas album is by a band called ‘For King and Country’. This year I am pushing Michael Buble and Mariah Carey off the Spotify Christmas carol list. We usually wait till the first weekend of December to put up the tree, but not this…
Taking Stock – September 2017
Making : I don’t have time to make anything, but our youngest daughter is continually surprising us with her creative abilities. Our middle daughter loves to bake so there is often a sweet smell coming from our kitchen, Our eldest is going from strength with her love of learning the guitar. Our awesome boy loves to bash nails into timber, and make a bit of a mess! Cooking : Lots of survival meals this month. Curried chicken with rice, spaghetti bowl, salads with chicken. While I love the idea of trying new recipes, I haven’t really had a chance this month. Drinking : Always Soda water and…
Taking Stock – July 2017
I love this time of the month. I especially love writing my ‘Taking Stock – 2017’posts. If you are wondering where I got the idea of Taking Stock each month, well you can thank Pip Lincoln, who writes an awesome blog called ‘Meet me at Mikes’. Not sure how we got to the end of July – this year is going a little too fast for me. So here we go….July 2017. Making : I have lots of ideas, but not enough time at the moment. Making anything besides dinner is off the list of priorities at the moment. There’s always August! Cooking :…
Life, ey!
Life, ey! Just when you think everything is travelling well…LIFE happens. Family Life is busy, messy, adventurous, fun, challenging, stressful, imperfect, loving and crazy. There is always a lot happening, a lot to juggle and a lot to make work – And with all this going on, parents have the responsibility of raising strong, resilient, kind, happy, and well adjusted kids into well adjusted, happy, kind, responsible adults. For many mums, our identity is wrapped up in our kids succeeding or failing in life. We feel as though we have done a great job when our kids do well, but when our kids struggle in life, it is so easy…
Taking Stock – June 2017
June has been a massive month for our family. I wish I could say it was a good month, but it really has been a hard month overall. We got through, survived reporting, a death, funeral, and now, thank God, we are on school holidays. All I can say is that I am so glad to be on school holidays. So here is TAKING STOCK – JUNE. Cooking: I have lost my desire to cook mojo at the moment. June has been a massive month for our immediate and extended family, and I am hoping the good old mojo comes back in soon. Drinking : Soda water and lemon…