• 2020,  homelife,  podcasts

    Money Life Hacks for Mums

    About five years ago I stumbled upon Author Gretchen Rubin’s ‘Happier’ podcast. Each week Gretchen and her sister Elizabeth discuss ways in which we can make our lives a little bit happier. I look forward to the next instalment each week. FYI The Happier podcast drops on Wednesday afternoons. Some of my favourite ‘Try this at home’ ideas are the one minute rule, Observe the family update (weekly email update of what’s going on in your life to your family members – doesn’t matter if you feel your news or life is boring, its the principle of keeping in contact despite the chaos (This is something I want to start.…

  • 2020,  Taking Stock

    Taking Stock – February 2020

    How can February 2020 be gone already? I feel as though I blinked and have found myself at the end of February. Two months of this brand new year have slipped away and disappeared so quickly from our 2020. So here we are again reflecting back on the past month, and getting ready to focus on the March. February 2020 has been an incredibly busy month on so many levels. I look at my goals for the year pinned on my board and often tell them, “I’m sorry I didn’t progress you, tomorrow is a brand new day with new possibilities”. I realise that if I am going to accomplish…

  • 2020,  Family,  friends,  getting organised,  Parenting

    Speaking to the Busyness

    Can you believe we are 10 weeks into 2020!? I hate to say it, but I think 2020 is going to be one of those years that could get away from us if we don’t take it by the horns, make intentional decisions, put an action plan in place, and go for it. Imagine what we could do if we felt as though we could do anything?! I heard years ago that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, but Google says, ‘it takes an average of 66 days’. If Google is right, this means we really have to get a move on so that we can make…

  • 2020,  Taking Stock

    Taking Stock in January 2020

    Hello January!! Actually, I should be saying, ’Goodbye January, Hello February!’ I can’t believe we are already at the end of January! It’s been a massive month here in our household. January is always a big month though, it’s about getting organised for the year ahead of us, school holidays, making sure we have everything ready for school life organised, and we celebrated our little man turning nine! A few years ago I did a blogging course with Pip Lincolne who shared the Taking Stock blog post concept. It’s a fun way to reflect and review your month. When I did this a few years ago, I really enjoyed the…

  • 2020,  getting organised,  motherhood in the naughties

    Living a Bigger Life

    To live a bigger life, one needs to throw caution to the wind, shake off fear and unbelief, and make a decision to choose life instead of lazy, easy and comfortable. Living a Bigger life is about doing something you really want to do despite the fear, unbelief, unknown or discomfort. In 2019, I struggled with the idea of wanting a bigger, and a more exciting lifestyle, but I also wanted to chill out and avoid getting uncomfortable. It’s so easy to not put myself out, not make plans, not go to events, say no to things that I really want to do – but can’t be bothered because it‘s…

  • 2020,  Family,  Family

    20 For 2020

    Hello!! It’s that time of the year again! We look at our lives and draw a line in the sand, 2019 has fallen away, and a new year has begun. I love the first few weeks of the new year. It kind of feels like the sins of the past have disappeared. They are all behind the fireworks. Once the New Years fireworks have decorated the night sky on January 1 12 am, a new year is born. A brand new year, with brand new opportunities and experiences, await us. Adults have to realise that we are allowed to dream. Dreaming is not just for kids, its for all of…

  • 2020,  Family,  Family,  Things I like

    Little Women (2019)

    One of my favourite things about having children who have jobs is that every so often they want to take me out for a treat. Yesterday, Beps decided to treat me to the movies. We went to see the new ‘Little Women‘ movie. Now, I am going to be honest here and say that I was a little nervous going in. I was hoping with everything within me, that the director did not change or manipulate the story of ‘Little Women‘ to modernise it or add characters that need not be added. I hoped that no agenda would be applied to the recent making of the movie of ‘Little Women‘.…

  • Family

    New Life, New Decade

    Happy New Year!!! I’m quite excited about 2020…I feel as though there are some great things in store for the coming year. I had all these plans to write more last year, however, 2019 turned out to be my hardest year ever. Well it felt like that. For the most part I felt over the whole homeschooling life, I wanted to send the kids back to school and finish up with homeschooling, my Uncle (who’s my mum’s twin) died suddenly in July which really threw us a curve ball, our eldest was in year 11 – and that in itself was full on. I just felt tired, overworked, underpaid, too…