Canberra the New Hot Spot
If I could be anywhere right now, I would be in Canberra!
I have no desire to live down in Canberra, but I would go down for a period of time to attend the biggest Australian protest rally I have ever seen in my life. The rally was today, the 12th of February 2022, and the reason why I would attend is to make some noise and annoy our corrupt politicians. Little ol’ me on my own is not noisy enough to make a difference on my own, but imagine how much noise a million people stomping their feet outside parliament house would cause. This protest is going to be historic on so many levels! It looks incredibly exciting down there in Canberra right now. Friends who are down there have reported back that ‘it feels electric’ in Canberra, I so wish we were able to go down and be apart of it all.

Since these photos were uploaded onto Social Media (thanks Jace Falkenberg #convoyforfreedom2022, #ConvoytoCanberra2022) more people from all around Australia have arrived in Canberra. People travelled through the night to be there for the march today. People are standing up for freedom and it is so exciting to watch and be apart of. I may not be physically down in Canberra, but I am watching and talking with friends and family about unity and freedom. It is exciting to see the numbers of freedom patriots grow and grow in Australia. Remember freedom doesn’t actually exist unless we are all free!
Why aren’t the Australian media reporting on the protests properly?
The Australian public, for the most part have been lied to by the media. The same media protect the corrupt government, and all of their departments, and the state governments. The media in Australia need a major shake up. They need to start reporting the truth, but that won’t happen till we weed out the corruption. Again, Friends who have travelled down to Canberra earlier in the week are reporting peaceful protests and have noted that the media coverage showing protesters yelling and screaming at police have been manipulated to show them to be irrational and difficult. The media are purposely editing out the police brutality.
I was watching the videos last night of the people heading into Canberra, they were met with excited horn and whistle blowing locals to the peoples paddock of Canberra. ‘Camp Epic’ is the new home to numerous Australians for the next few weeks. Last night one of the men in the videos said that he believed that there were well over a million people coming in, and were expecting more people throughout the night and into this morning. There are numerous buses from all over Australia heading into Canberra, so if this doesn’t frighten the pants off corrupt politicians then I don’t know what will. Even if the numbers are below a million people, there were still hundreds and hundreds of thousands down in Canberra. Not 10’s of thousands as the media have reported. People want justice and mandates dropped so they can go back to work and provide for their families, but it is also about pushing back on government over reach, and standing up for our personal sovereignty according to the Australian constitution.
If politicians apply the Australian constitution to their decision making process they would always keep the people, Australians, in mind. What is in the best interest of the people of Australia? How we have been treated throughout this ‘plandemic’ has woken many of us up to the lies we have been told over the years. If you want more information about this, Rod Culleton has a lot of information regarding the changes Gough Whitlam and his team made in 1973.
We know the mandates go against the Australian constitution, and the Governor General ought to have stood up already and reprimanded Prime Minister Scott Morrison, the Liberal party and all State Premiers for their lies, lack of leadership, and over reach. The silence from the Governor General speaks very loudly. If the Governor General can’t do his job properly he needs to vacate his position. I realise that he has resigned and will not be standing in the next election, however, he is the Governor General right now and he needs to do his job for the people right now.
If you know me, you will know that I am very excited about the upcoming election. The date may not be announced yet, but it will soon be announced because we have been told there are only 8 parliamentary sitting days left before the upcoming election. I really hope Scott Morriosn is feeling overwhelmed by the numbers arriving in Canberra. Scratch that, I hope Scott Morrison is freaking out by the numbers arriving in Canberra.
Did you know that Liberals, Labor and Greens aren’t the only parties you can vote for?
There are other options, thank God!
There are three camps of voters. The voters who always vote the same party no matter who is in their electorate, then there is the camp of having no idea who to vote for, and lastly, the camp of those who are educated and know exactly who they want to vote for. I am in the third camp!
Who do you vote for?
The best way to vote is to do your homework. Know who the candidates in your electorate are and find out who aligns with your values. Don’t focus on who the leader of that party is to start with. You need to know who will represent you in parliament should they get in. There may not be anyone who aligns with your values perfectly, but we have to stop believing red/blue/green are going to work on the peoples behalf – because they haven’t for over 75 years. It is time to put Red/Blue/Green at the bottom of the ballot paper.

I hope over the next few weeks that people who will start to think about who they might vote for. Don’t just think if you normally vote liberals that you will give the other guy a go. Labor is as bad as the liberals. Just look what Labor has done to Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia over the last 6 years. Labor is very weak under Albaneze and Liberals are very weak under Morrison. Instead of the usual RED or BLUE, let’s vote for FREEDOM this coming election. This election is different. If we vote the same way we have always voted for we will always get what we have always gotten, but let’s face it, these days its worse than what we have always gotten because these two political parties have sold their souls to China and each year we lose a little more freedom. We have to vote out the clowns, and vote for people who are good and decent. The alternative parties we should look at….
United Australia Party
The Great Australia Party
One Nation
Bob Katter Australian Party
Remember, the candidate in your electorate is your representative in parliament. It is their job to be your person, or your voice in parliament. Ask yourself, do you want another four years of Liberal/Nationals? Can you stomach four years of Anthony Alboneze? If your answer is no, then you need to make alternative choices. The election may not be called just yet, but the announcement is coming. Instead of going to the ballot box this year not knowing who you will vote for, let’s get to know who the candidates in our electorates are so when we step into the electoral box to vote, the names are familiar to us. Also, bring your own pen. If you make a mistake ask for a new form.
Hope you are well.
Till next time,