About Mischievious Mum
Hello and Welcome to the world of Mischieviousmum.
I am a happy Sunny Coast’n Mum of 4 cherubs. Three princesses and a little prince.
We have been very busy over the last almost 18 years!
Our primary goal is too grow our children, and then push them into adulthood happy and responsible. Our other goal is to have fun, have lots of laughs and make lots of life long memories along the way. I’m a happy mum on a quest to embrace the fullness of life in all its glory.
In 2011, our eldest daughter was diagnosed with an auto immune condition called CRMO (Chronic recurring multifocal osteomylitis). This condition has been a huge issue in our world, and so I decided to start the process of researching and finding natural ways to help her. Its been a five year saga so far – we are now considered CRMO free (2017).
This year (2020) we will have been in the world of homeschooling for 6 years. We felt the kids would benefit from a homeschooling lifestyle experience, so we signed up and we haven’t looked back. Homeschooling 4 kids is huge, their are positives and negatives to homeschooling, but there are also positives and negatives to sending kids to school.
In short, MischieviousMum.com is a blog about a mum, a dad and their kids. Its about life – family life. Its about our crazy fun homeschooling life – and I am the Mischievious mum trying to make a little sense of it all and put things into some type of order!

Hi Sarah! Was so nice meeting you today, will get to reading your blogs later tonight as we’re heading out to dindin tonight. I’m so excited to read more as your homepage has already gotten my attention to start reading but I have to go get ready so reluctantly I must stop myself. Have a great weekend and talk to you soon 🙂 Cami
Wow, I was madly searching the internet and was so pleased to come across your blogs!
My son (4yo) has just recently been diagnosed with CRMO – I had never heard of it before and have been struggling with it a little bit! I HATE (as does any parent) seeing him in so much pain, watching him struggle to participate in activities with friends breaks my heart and the sadness in his eyes hurts! I wish I could just make it all better. No-one seems to know much about it and people don’t really understand it. I tried to explain it all to his kinder given it was restricting his activity level and mobility levels, but even they didn’t really seem to understand just how serious this can be!
Sorry for my rant and it probably sounds all over the place, but my mind is in a bit of a whirlwind……
It’s so tough even being on top of it, given he’s quite young and doesn’t always tell me when the aches first start up before the big pain!! Or on the other side, he knows by telling me that it means medication time, so he avoids it or tells me that “it’s all better” even though he’s limping and not being physical at all.
Have you found any treatments or supports that seem to help better than others? This journey is very new to me.
We’re based in Melbourne, so he’s under the care of a team there – it took approximately 8 months of pain for him to be diagnosed (after an MRI) with it!
Thanks for your time 🙂
Hi Sharyn,
I’m sorry to hear that your little boy has been diagnosed with CRMO. However, in saying that….thank God it is a diagnosis of CRMO and not anything more malicious. CRMO is considered an autoimmune disease so the one thing I have learned is that its vital to get your little guy off any acidic foods. Choose alkaline foods. While our daughter is now off the medications for the CRMO, we are still undergoing annual MRI’s, and the methotrexate medication she was on, has played havoc with her tummy.
Hope your little guy starts feeling better quickly. Feel free to contact me anytime. xo
Eat a strict vegetarian diet. NO Acidic foods.