22 for 2022
And just like that plans change…or do they?
There is something very special about the start of a brand new year. The fireworks smell lingers in the air for a few days, and as we all get used to writing the new year – 2022 instead of 2021, I like to start thinking about what I would like the coming year too look like. I love this time of year, I love the newness of a new year. The idea that a fresh page is set before us is appealing. Anything is possible, What will this new year will bring us? The question I like to ask is ‘What would I like this coming year to look like?‘
As I started to formulate ideas ranging from very vague to very specific, it suddenly occurred to me that it may not be a good idea to set anything in stone. The draconian measures of our government change often and this has been difficult and frustrating in so many ways, and on so many levels. You are welcome to your own opinions on this issue, as I am, but I don’t believe the government has our best interest at heart. These mandates have nothing to do with our health or our well being.
As hard as it is to set a firm plan for the year right now, I have decided I still want to do my 22 for 2022. Why? Because I like to have goals for the year that I can see and that I can work towards. This coming year still has the potential to be one of the best years we have ever had. It might feel a little daunting at times with everything that is going on, but my prayer for this year is that we have breakthroughs in the areas of our lives that need breakthroughs, and we make it a priority to spend time with family and friends. Great relationships is the key to life and we want this year to be around those we love and cherish. We want to work on the areas of our lives we are challenged in, and we want to find fresh ways to have fun.
So with all this in mind….here are my 22 goals for 2022!
1. Read Dave Ramsey’s money book and apply ideas to our household budget
2. Be hospitable – Open up our home to family and friends for catch ups
3. Be a tourist in our area – explore the Sunshine Coast!
4. Have a weekend away with Hubby!
5. Have weekends away as a family!
6. Declutter the garage
7. Explore Brisbane
8. Take more family photos
9. Do wheel throwing pottery class with friends.
10. Do a family go carting experience.
11. Paint the interior of our home.
12. New carpets for our home.
13. Buy/Make a headboard for our bed.
14. Help a worthy candidate get into parliament at the next federal election.
15. Work on ‘the New Me’!
16. Help Beps get her P plates.
17. Organise a defensive driving course for the kids in Gympie
18. Do a paint and sip class with Ames.
19. Expand my cooking skills
20. Write daily!
21. Get some work in school hours.
22. Read two books a month!
I have already started pencilling dates in the calendar for different events and ideas. The one thing we all need to remember is that a good year starts with us. We have to choose despite the circumstances to have a fantastic 2022! I have decided to start the year with a positive attitude, and a realistic understanding of what is going on around me.
What are you thinking you would like to try and achieve for this coming year. Even if your ideas and desires feel daunting, take a step toward the big idea. The first step is always the hardest step. Decide today to have the best year you have ever had….it really does help.
Till next time,